《那些让文案绝望的文案》什么文案60年前就在使用互联网思维? 什么文案让做文案的人产生"既生瑜何生亮"的绝望?




《一个广告文案的自白》系列 [1]
如果你想做个文案…… 002
"高端大气"与猪饲料 007
文案也是个技术活 012
若梦想照进现实…… 017
文案是什么? 021
文案是聊出来的 028
"大便体"与"牛×体" 033
世界上的好文案都是相通的--关于文案的细节性陈述 041
危机公关应该做的事 049
抓不住根本法则,学再多玩法也是白费 051
从锅炉工到创意总监 053
医者不自医--为什么广告公司不会为自己做广告? 058
听了那么多道理,依然做不好营销? 060
名字取得好,公司上市早 063
怎么识别不靠谱的社会化营销公司? 067
Do you think the Volkswagen is homely?
你觉得VW不够好看? 070
A Volkswagen can go forward
一辆VW 072
After a few years, it starts to look beautiful.
再过几年,它就开始好看了 074
Ugly is only skin-deep.
车不可貌相 076
Made in U.S.A.
美国制造 078
Do you earn too much to afford one?
某些人收入太高,而VW格调过低? 080
Live below your means.
量入为出 082
Introducing two of the most radical changes in Volkswagen history. Can you spot them?
VW历史上两大重要改进, 你注意到了吗? 084
Why is our nose so stubby?
为什么VW的车鼻是秃的? 086
One of the nice things about owning it is selling it.
拥有它的乐趣之一,就是可以日后卖掉 088
Has the Volkswagen fad died out?
VW流行风潮过去了吗? 090
Who in the world seals the bottom? Volkswagen.
世上谁会把车盘底密封?VW 092
Why are the wheels crooked?
为何轮子有点歪? 094
Will we ever kill the bug?
我们会干掉这只甲壳虫吗? 096
Even the bottom of a Volkswagen looks funny.
即便车底看来也有点意思 098
Some of the most unusual things about a Volkswagen are things you don't usually see.
VW不凡之处,通常不易窥见 100
The inside is finished like the outside.
表里如一 102
Can you name this car?
你猜到这部车的名字了吗? 104
Need a part?
需要汽车配件了? 106
It's a little too much car for the money.
这车太超值了 108
Repair'em? I've got enough parts to build'em!
修什么?有这些配件,我完全可以重装一辆! 110
A Volkswagen, obviously.
是辆VW,毫无疑问 112
The experimental X-93 Volkswagen.
VWX-93型车,在试验中 114
The best kept secret in Washington, D.C.
华盛顿特区的惊人内幕 116
Presenting the 84 mpg Volkswagen.
每加仑跑84英里的VW 118
What if you only need part of a Volkswagen?
要是你只想要一个VW零部件? 120
No point showing the '62 Volkswagen. It still looks the same.
1962年的VW也没啥亮点,看起来都一样 122
The only water a Volkswagen needs is the water you wash it with.
VW会用到水,但仅仅用来洗车 124
Last one to conk out is a Volkswagen.
扛到最后的,一定是VW 126
"A funny thing happened when I decided to expose that phony floating Volkswagen
"我正想要曝光VW车能浮在水中的虚假广告,有趣的事却发生了。" 128
If Ted Kenney drove a Volkswagen, he'd be President today.
泰德·肯尼迪当年要是开辆VW,现在的总统就是他了 130
Volkswagen's unique construction keeps dampness out.
VW独特的设计横扫湿气 132
Save water.
节约用水 134
The first car at the bottom of the world.
第一部出现在世界尽头的车 136
Every new one comes slightly used.
每一部新车都会被开过一段距离 138
Sooner or later, your wife will drive home one of the best reasons for owning a Volkswagen.
你的夫人迟早都会自己开车回家 140
You don't have to replace half the car.
你没必要更换大半部车 142
Why so many Volkswagens live to be 100,000.
为何众多VW车能跑到10万里程? 144
All good things must come to an end.
再美好的事物终有结束的一天 146
Every now and then a VW runs into a little trouble at the factory.
VW不时会在工厂遇到点麻烦 148
不可能 150
酸柠檬 152
After 3 years, the car that cost the least cost the most.
当初售价最低的车,三年后却售价最高 154
A new VW is cheaper at twice the price.
新的VW比这个价贵一倍,但还是划算 156
It's been replaced.
这部甲壳虫已被完全替换 160
That's how many times we inspect a Volkswagen.
这就是我们检验VW的次数 162
How to make a '54 look like a '64.
如何让1954年的车看起来像1964年的? 164
Think small
眼界不用那么高 166
It makes your house look bigger.
它让你的房子显得大了 168
It does all the work, but on Saturday night which one goes to the party?
它什么都做,但是周末晚上赴宴的是谁? 170
Pick the right day to test drive a VW and you'll have the road to yourself.
在合适的日子开上VW,你可以成为马路之王 172
We finally came up with a beautiful picture of a Volkswagen.
这场景对VW来说,真是美妙 174
They said it couldn't be done.
It couldn't.
他们说办不到,就是办不到 176
33 years later, he got the bug.
三十三年后,他拥有了甲壳虫 178
After 30 Volkswagens, Father Bittman still believes.
开过三十部VW,毕门神父更坚定了他的信念 180
"It was the only thing to do after the mule died."
"骡子死了,只能如此。" 182
With 34 wives, even a king has to cut a few corners.
即使是国王,养34个老婆也不易 184
Which man would you vote for?
你投哪一位? 186
Our car the movie star.
大牌驾到 188
Don't laugh.
不要笑 190
One hour later, it won't get hungry again.
它不会在一小时之后又叫肚子饿 192
Think it over, New York, Chicago, San Francisco.
想一想纽约、芝加哥和旧金山的交通现状吧 194
There's a bit of the beast in every bug.
每部甲壳虫都有点兽性 196
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a Volkswagen?
小鸟,飞机,甲壳虫? 198
The $35,000 Volkswagen.
价值35,000美元的VW 200
How much longer can we hand you this line?
这条曲线还能传承多久? 202
Is the economy trying to tell you something?
算账 204
V-V-Volkswagen announces air conditioning.
V-V-VW推出车内空调 206
Our image.
我们的形象 208
Some shapes are hard to improve on.
有些外形很难再改进了 210
Can you still get prime quality for $1.26 a pound?
1.26美元1磅的上等货,现在还有吗? 212
How does a little bug survive in the automotive jungle?
一部甲壳虫的汽车丛林生存法则 214
If gas pains persist, try Volkswagen.
如果油价高烧不退,可以试试VW 216
It's ugly, but it gets you there.
它很丑,但它能带你到想去的地方 218


1.文案不是写小说,文笔何用(基本的标点、用词能力还是需要的)?文案要的是说话,有话好好说,你已经赢了一半了!毕竟有一半以上的广告人不说人话。 说人话,大白话,详细地了解产品,这就是写文案的秘诀。



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